Our goal is to establish the Excellence Center in Europe as an outstanding educational and cultural center that will serve the needs of Germany, refugees, and immigrant communities by providing innovative and creative opportunities for individuals to learn, grow, and achieve.

We envision the Excellence Center to be a tool that will provide a myriad of opportunities for dialogue to take place between the populations we serve. In addition, we intend for the Excellence Center to become a well-known entity within Germany that will serve national and international students, participants, and visitors.

Our Mission

The Excellence Center in Europe’s mission is to cultivate a social atmosphere and provide educational programs, cultural programs, and community development activities for Germans, immigrants, refugees, and internationals. The Center will provide EnglishGerman, and Arabic language courses, as well as volunteer and internship opportunities. We serve participants of varying ages, interests, and educational levels. The populations we work with include immigrants, refugees, language students, school students, university students, and community members.

The Excellence Center in Europe OurMission Our Mission

Moreover, the Excellence Center in Europe seeks to increase mutual understanding between German residents, refugees, and individuals from other countries. We will do this by means of educational, communal, and cultural exchange. We also aim to help integrate immigrants and refugees into the German community. This will be accomplished through educational programs, workshops, activities, and other initiatives.

Our Values

  1. Respect

Dedication to Building Multicultural Relationships

We respect all people and their ideas, cultures, and backgrounds.

  1. Collaboration

One Team

We work together to achieve more through our unified culture and shared knowledge.

  1. Integrity

True to Our Word

Integrity is non-negotiable. We leave a positive impact through our actions and behaviors.

  1. Excellence

Exceptional in Everything We Do

We seek to excel in our teaching performance to obtain the best outcomes.

  1. Innovation

Challenging Our Approach

We strive to think outside of the box, find new teaching methods, and dare to do things in innovative ways.

Volunteer & Intern in Germany : Our volunteers & Interns talk about their experience in Germany