Tegel Airport to Halle (Saale):

Tegel Airport is a very common place to fly to in order to get to Halle. First, one must get from Tegel to the Berlin Hauptbahnhof (main train station). The TXL bus goes from the airport to the Berlin Hauptbahnhof around every 10 minutes, so simply follow signs in the airport that have a bus icon on them.

The price is around 3 Euros, and takes about 20 minutes to reach the train station. From the Berlin train station you must take either a long distance bus or a train to the Halle (Saale) Hauptbahnhof. Tickets for such transport should be bought at least a couple of days in advance in order to get the cheapest price.

If bought early, the prices can be 20 Euros or less, but can get up to 50 Euros when bought the day before or the day of travel. The best places to buy tickets are FLixbus.com for busses and deutschebahn.de for train tickets. A direct trip from Berlin to Halle will usually only take about an hour and fifteen minutes.

Schönefeld Airport to Halle:

Flying into Schönefeld Flughafen is also common for people coming from more local origins. Like Tegel, there is no direct connection from Schönefeld to Halle, so the best route is dependent upon the different prices being offered at the time.

The airport has well posted signs for buses trains that will connect you with local larger train stations from which you can go to Halle. The best way to do this is by buying a single ticket from deutschebahn.com and search for tickets from Schönefeld Flughafen to Halle (Saale).

The first train will take you to a larger train station (Dessau, Berlin Ostkreuz, Südkreuz or Hauptbahnhof) and then from there you will board another train that will take you directly to the Halle main train station. This trip can take anywhere from an hour and fifteen minutes up to three hours depending on where your connection is and how long your layover is while waiting for the connecting train.

Leipzig/Halle Airport to Halle:

The Leipzig/Halle airport is positioned right in between the two cities which makes it very accessible. The Leipzig/Halle Flughafen (Airport) is a regular stop on the S-Bahns that go in-between Halle and Leipzig. The station itself is connected to the airport and is very easy to find with the signs posted. For around 8 Euros one can purchase a ticket and travel on the S3, S5 or the S5x trains.

All of these are regional S-Bahns that are constantly running between Leipzig and Halle, so one would only have to wait around a maximum of 20 minutes for one of these trains to show up to the station. Once on the train, the ride to the Halle main train station only takes about 15 minutes.

Halle (Saale) Hauptbahnhof to The Excellence Center:

Once you have arrived at the Halle main train station, the trip to the Excellence Center is very simple. As you are walking out of the main entrance to the train station, to the left will be the tram stops. Tickets can be bought either on the tram or at most tram stops for around 5 Euros (if traveling from Berlin, city transport tickets can be included in certain Deutsche Bahn train tickets as well).

The Excellence Center is located across the street (south) from the Franckeplatz tram stop. So from the Hauptbahnhof, trams 4, 7 and 9 will go directly to Franckeplatz and will only take around 7 minutes. The Excellence Center is located right on the corner of Mauerstraße and Steinweg 56, and has “Sprachschule” written on it, making it quite easy to find.